Monday 14 December 2015

titled ‘Unlock Your ESP Potential’, to the largest audiences ever at a book launch on 20th Jan. ’12.

The simple launch ceremony was followed by a spell-bound Presentation and Demonstration on 'ESP' with total audience participation.

With all seats full to audiences stood for 60 mins. with the enthralling 'ESP' Show.

With over 425 Corporates (as of Mar. ’16),
booking him repeatedly – globally, for his
Incredible ‘Extra Sensory Perception’ Show....
Mumbai based - Deepak RAO
is India’s Numero Uno
Stage Star Performer and Corporate Celebrity !

Click on :
See Corporate Clientele in alphabetical order.
View interesting Video Clips & Photographs
of the ‘ESP’ Show.

For further information....  ( +91 22 )  2446 4708
Office No. 1, Kirti Mandir, L. J. Road, Mahim (W), Mumbai – 16